First Baptist Church Staff
First Baptist Church is a gospel community that testifies
to the truth of the gospel. We exist to make disciples, who
make disciple makers, here in Rush County and beyond.
This is accomplished by knowing, loving and serving God
and people.
Church Leaders:
Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ.
Pastor Cody Hensley- Senior Pastor

Pastor Cody has been in pastoral ministry for 13 years. He began as a youth minister, but has also served as a family pastor and a spiritual formation pastor. He is committed to shepherding individuals to Christ, engaging the community in missionary work and community outreach. His hobbies include hunting, fishing and reading a good book.
Shelle Fraley – Pianist

Our church pianist, Shelle Fraley, is a former music teacher who also serves as Deaconess and Praise Team member. She enjoys knitting, crocheting, and spending time with family, including great-grandson Forrest and great-nephew Gary. She lives with her husband Link and a menagerie of pets.
Elaine Williamson-Secretary

Elaine Williamson has been a member since 2004. During this time she has enjoyed serving her church family thru her participation with the youth and in music. She has also served on the Board of Education, Deaconesses, and as the Sunday School Attendant. Elaine is married to her husband, Scott, and enjoys her time spent with her grandsons, Gabriel and Blake.
Elaine has spent 28 years in manufacturing, learning skills she plans to put to use serving her church family, friends, and community.
Rita Kaster-Custodian

Rita was born and raised in Rushville. She graduated from Rushville Consolidated High School in 1980. She also married Randy Kaster in 1980. Randy joined the USMC; therefore, Rita leaved in a few different states. Throughout the years she has resided in California, Mississippi, and North Carolina. Rita has a bachelors degree from Indiana University, with a concentration in social work. She also has certifications in drug and alcohol abuse.Rita enjoys spending time with family. She has three children and 6 grandchildren.